Thursday, April 26, 2012


(That's a good thing.)

Follow the vimeo link below to watch Murphy's story unfold in 3D blocking. There are some rough ideas for sound effects thrown in as well, so turn up the volume!

Apres Ski: 3D Animatic

I'm really happy with the way the dolly zoom shots turned out, although I might make the last one longer. I'm also getting a better feel for shot duration in terms of frames, which is tricky. After completing this pass, I know that I need to make the mountain/clock overlay shot last longer on screen (with more goofy sound effects, of course.)

Speaking of Goofy, here is one of the videos that inspired Murphy to try skiing (with similar results):

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Short Cuts

In the interests of time and focusing on skill sets (1. modeling and 2. animation) I have decided not to fully rig Murphy the Moose. Instead, I am going to model and rig Murphy's head, then parent it to Josh Burton's Morpheus 1.0 rig. Coincidentally, Josh decided to allow Morpheus to be used for commercial projects only last month, so that works out well. This will also make my animatic blocking more fun / interesting, since I can use the rig in there to set some key poses. I did a quick block of Murphy's head and parented it to Morphy's neck, and also parented an unfinished version of my ski boot to both feet. I will need to model some mittens for Murphy as well so you won't see Morphy's fingers. Murphy is humanoid like Bullwinkle, but I don't what him having realistic human hands. Below is a quick render of the blocked rig:

I'm making some changes to the opening shots because I don't think the edits were reading too well. Will post an updated animatic with more blocks this weekend!