Saturday, July 28, 2012

July Progress

Made okay progress this month, considering I had significantly less time to devote to the project than I originally planned when I made the gantt chart. I estimate that I am about 2 weeks off schedule, which I hope to make up when my internship wraps up in a few weeks.
I wanted the rig finalized and animation ready by August 1st. Right now I would say it is 60% done; yesterday I skinned the head and built controls for the head, ears, and tongue. I’m really happy with the outcome. The next step is blendshapes, then attaching the head to the body which I hope will not pose any major problems.
Also really happy with the chandelier model I finished. Hoping that what is left of the modeling isn’t too time consuming because the complex stuff is mostly built out of antlers, which are already done (might model one or two more for variety). Also had great success building a mounted deer head, bar counter, and bar stools.

Still straddling modeling and animation and the clock is ticking to make a commitment and finalize the shots/block. Leaning more towards modeling still. This is also top priority along so that I can get one or two people working on the soundtrack for me.
I’ve brought CADA alum Olga Mayer on board to create a mountain matte painting, which I’m really excited about. She’s awesomely talented and I’m looking forward to seeing some of her concepts this week. More to follow soon!